Making Live Jazz and Sound Like Jazz!
Student & Career Development Presenters: Ian Corbett, Kansas City Kansas Community College - Kansas City, KS, USA; off-beat-open-hats recording & sound reinforcement Nadezhda Rakhmanova, Mariinsky Theatre - Russia This workshop, ideal for students, new engineers, and more experienced engineers new to jazz and acoustic music situations, will discuss what “the sound” of jazz and acoustic music might be and different approaches to amplifying a selection of ensembles in order to appropriately scale the sound to different sized venues, from small clubs to large theaters and festival stages. Are there desirable characteristics? Should miking techniques be the same as, or different from (more common) rock shows? Should the sound system be the same as for other genres? What situations do engineers working local and regional shows find themselves in? What can help make the day go smoothly for you and the musicians and make the event a musically appropriate sonic experience for the audience?
Ian Corbett
3/27/2019 8:21:26 PM

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