The Ravages of Time
Applications In Audio Presenter: Bruce Black, MediaRooms Technology LLC - Ventura, CA, USA It's easy to think that once we've tuned a room, all it's acoustic issues have been dealt with, and it will provide an honest and correct listening environment. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily the case. This tutorial shows how Real Time Analyzers leave out critical information that can lead to a classic Dr. Richard Heyser situation, where the RTA measurements look good but the room sounds terrible. Unless we are aware of what an RTA DOES NOT tell us, as well as what it DOES, it's easy to get confused when the room sound does not correlate to what the RTA display says it should be. This can leave us confused and unable to make the proper corrections to our rooms. This presentation includes actual case histories where causes and remedies are explored in detail.
Bruce Black
3/27/2019 8:21:26 PM

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